Karate, athlete from Riccione is bronze medal at the European Youth Championships in Cyprus

It’s an extraordinary Italy: 17 medals (out of 17 finals) is the booty conquered by the Azzurrini of kumite and kata, in the three age groups, cadets, juniors and under 21, in the 2023 European Youth Championships which took place in Cyprus. The leading athlete of the Riccione Karate Center, Martina Padoan, also took part in the women’s kata team. Martina, together with her new teammates Crucitti and Ederar, held the flag high, bringing home a very precious European bronze. Considering that it was the first race of the new team, the prospects can only be ambitious for the next world championships.

The Riccione Karate Center, a company affiliated to Polisportiva Riccione, confirms once again that it represents an inexhaustible reservoir for the Italian Karate National Team. For the president Moreno Villa “the work of our technicians is fantastic. Seriousness, professionalism and passion are the ingredients that allow us to confirm ourselves every year and to obtain extraordinary results. In 2022 the Riccione Karate Center finished in 13th place out of 1360 clubs members of Fijlkam, the only federation recognized by CONI”.


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