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The ex-girlfriend of the American golfer Tiger Woodswith whom he has been in a relationship for about six years, has taken the sports legend to court to obtain million-dollar compensation and try to annul a confidentiality agreement that he says he was forced to sign.

As reported by TMZ, which ensures that it has the documents of the complaint, Erica Herman He alleges that Woods made him sign a confidentiality agreement at the beginning of their relationship, in August 2017, and that now, after their separation, he wants to impose it improperly.

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The complaint

In the complaint filed on Monday, Herman cites a United States federal law that ensures that a confidentiality agreement cannot be imposed when “there is evidence of sexual assault or harassment,” according to the aforementioned outlet, which does not give more details about this. affair.

The ex-girlfriend argues that the agreement should be declared unenforceable under the federal law known as “Speak Out” (“speak”), which prohibits the application of such an agreement in cases of sexual harassment or assault.

The complainant also points out that Tiger Woods is trying to “push” her into keeping quiet about their relationship, by wanting to enforce the agreement he signed, adds TMZ.

The media specialized in celebrities indicates that both are no longer together, but it is not known when they separated: “Publicly, there have been no signs of a separation, although we have not seen Herman and Tiger together for a while, even in their last out to play golf a few weeks ago,” TMZ reported.

Erica Herman claims that Woods’ aides convinced her last October to pack a suitcase and go “on a short vacation” without the golfer, and took her to the airport.

Once there, they told him that he could not return to the house. According to the documents that she possesses TMZthe ex-partner alleges that one of the golfer’s lawyers even met her at the airport with a proposal to resolve any pending issues between her and Tiger Woods.

Also the trust

She also says that they seized more than $40,000 in cash that she had in the house and accused her “in an insulting and defamatory manner” of having obtained that money in a “shady” way.

The former couple has also sued Tiger’s trust, which owns their home, for $30 million.because he affirms that this is the “reasonable rental value” of the house during the five years in which he could continue living there and having broken his relationship and according to an oral agreement that both signed.

The American golfer, who has been at the center of several scandals related to his personal life, has a total of fifteen ‘big’ tournaments in his career and last year finished in position 47 in the Augusta Masters, of which He is five times champion.

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