A basketball revival project presented

Baba Tandian and companies were yesterday Friday with the Minister of Sports, Yankhoba Diatara. A delegation made up of members of the Convergence for the Renewal of Senegalese Basketball (CRBS), and the Union of Senegalese Basketball Players (UBBS). According to the APS, they presented to the boss of Senegalese Sport a project to revive this discipline so that it regains its former glory.

“The purpose of this meeting (…) was to present the project to enhance the image of basketball, relaunch it so that it regains its former glory”, explained Baba Tandian.

According to the former president of the Senegalese Basketball Federation, this great sporting discipline is going through a very difficult situation today. “It is up to us players in basketball to take up the challenges of this discipline which has given us everything. The State having invested resources in all sports, basketball should no longer lag behind. Reason why, our delegation explained to the minister what to do for the revival of basketball, ”he said.

The Minister, he further noted, today saw big names in basketball around him, serious people capable of carrying the basketball project so that it regains a bit of its former glory.

This meeting comes 24 hours after the postponement of the elective General Assembly to May 13, 2023. Only the outgoing president had submitted his candidacy for a 3rd term. The CRBS and the UBBS had preferred to boycott demanding the establishment of a neutral electoral committee for “clear and transparent elections, as well as the revision of the texts which govern sports discipline”.

Regarding the problem of organizing elections for the renewal of members of the FSBB, Tandian confides that the Minister of Sports has promised to review this question.


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