Archery: intensive preparation for Der

Fifty-three young archers from the Grand Est, including eight Bettancourtois, took part from April 15 to 17 in an advanced course at Lac du Der. Zoom.

While the outdoor season will begin at the end of April, the Great East League archery takes care of its young people through training actions. From Saturday April 15 to Monday April 17, 53 young people from Champagne, Lorraine and Alsace were welcomed to the Ufolep center in Giffaumont during an advanced training course intended for categories ranging from youngest to junior.

“Each archer has his shooting rhythm”

This also serves as preparation for the national youth tournaments, the first of which will take place in Moulins on April 22 and 23.“, slips Jean-Bernard Duval, president of the youth sports commission of the Grand Est and one of the nine executives present on the site. Among the trainees was in particular Manon Louis, recent bronze medalist at the French indoor championship.

A good preparation

But also eight young people from SLO Bettancourt, namely Henry Méry, Muhammad Bettahar, Esteban Myaux (U13), Nathan Bouveret, Louis Méry (U15), Elisa France, Maxime Block (U18) and Giulia Vallelian (U21). For the Bettancourtois, this course was excellent preparation for future regional competitions. Because at the club, ambition rhymes with training. And hard work pays off. Nathan Bouveret was notably crowned regional vice-champion indoors and team gold medalist. The vast majority of his comrades have climbed into the top 10 of their respective category. At the Der, the young people were made aware of the question of shooting rhythm and time, mental preparation and stress management.

Stress management

Each archer has his shooting rhythm. It’s important to put yourself in a situation of official competition. With executives, we deliberately stress them to see how they react“, details Jean-Bernard Duval. We also had to adapt to the weather conditions with rain and wind. “This prepares them because in archery, you don’t stop even if it’s raining or cold.“, explains Jean-Bernard Duval. Only extreme conditions are indeed required to interrupt a competition. In less than a month, the Bettancourtois will try to shine at home on May 13 and 14 during a regional competition organized by the SLO Bettancourt One of the first major regional meetings.

Namely On a competition, an archer takes an average of 17,000 steps when going back and forth between the shooting range and the target during the different ends.

2023-04-20 06:28:27
#Archery #intensive #preparation #Der


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