CEO Song Eun-yi raided employees who slept while working “Gather to the playground” (‘Vivo TV’)

[TV리포트=성민주 기자] While comedian Song Eun-yi was on duty, Jo called the employees to the playground.

On the 18th, Song Eun-yi revealed on the ‘VIVO TV – Vivo TV’ channel, ‘surprise inspection of work attitude. In the video titled ‘CEO Song’s special measures for finding an employee sleeping while on duty’, he toured the office building at 3:00 pm to check the attitude of the employees.

However, Song Eun-yi found a dozing employee from the first office. The employee was startled by the appearance of Song Eun-yi who woke up. She then reported that her co-workers in her office were asleep. The last employee she found in the office was sleeping face down on her desk. Seeing this, Eun-yi Song said, “It’s mom, let’s eat,” and woke her up, but her staff couldn’t raise her head in embarrassment, and she continued to pretend to sleep, making her laugh. .

In the end, Song Eun-yi called the employees to the playground, saying, “Special measures are needed.” The special measure is none other than defeating CEO Song Eun-yi in badminton. Song Eun-yi and the sleepy employees played badminton with the bet of ‘If you win, leave early, if you lose, work overtime’. Song Eun-yi won three consecutive victories, but in the last game, she was defeated by middle school alumni writer Noh, and had to give ‘all work’.

Reporter Sung Min-joo [email protected] / Photo = ‘VIVO TV – Vivo TV’ video capture

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2023-04-18 09:45:06
#CEO #Song #Eunyi #raided #employees #slept #working #Gather #playground #Vivo


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