Champions: Inzaghi, satisfied but it’s only the first round – Football

(ANSA) – MILAN, APRIL 11 – “The boys had a great match against a strong team and in a very hot stadium. I’m very satisfied, but it was only the first round.

We have the advantage, but nothing is closed because Benfica are strong. The last few games hadn’t been crowned with success but three excellent matches had been made; it is the fourth game in ten days, we are in a great moment of effort”.

Thus the Inter coach Simone Inzaghi, interviewed by Mediaset after the victory against Benfica. “We are enjoying the evening, but we haven’t done anything yet. I was hopeful, you have to be good and lucid looking at what has been done on the pitch. Rematch? I have no rematches, I try to work for the good of Inter, the criticisms are where they come from but we need to work more and more and better”. (HANDLE).

