Foot PSG – PSG: Galtier fired, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi makes a radical decision

Two consecutive defeats at the Parc des Princes, a series not seen since 2001, nothing is going well for PSG. Christophe Galtier admits to being in difficulty with his group, which does not give the maximum, but the Parisian leaders do not intend to fire him for the moment.

PSG has completely lost track since the start of 2023, and it’s not getting any better. Quite the contrary. Before and after the international break, the capital club lost at home to Rennes and now this Sunday against OL. Each time, no goal scored, an offensive animation at half mast and a lack of reaction and will which inevitably marks the spirits. The situation becomes perilous because OM and Lens have returned to six points behind Paris SG. There is still a small margin in advance and the Ile-de-France club has plenty of resources to string together victories. But with a schedule that is not easy to negotiate since it will be a question of going to Nice next weekend and then receiving Lens, the danger is real.

Unheard of since 2001 at PSG

And with the series of 8 defeats since the start of 2023, the first time since 2001 that such a number of setbacks have happened in such a short time, Christophe Galtier has lost track of the season. The Parisian coach also recognizes that his players do not seem to give everything at times. “ There can be mental wear and tear over a long season. There can be mental fatigue, but when you want to go looking for titles, you have to be more determined and invested. This is too insufficient to knock down an opponent. To fetch this title. It will take another behavior. We have to react quite strongly in Nice when everyone is talking to me about the Lens match. I have players who have already won a lot of titles. I dare to hope that they are not jaded, that there will be a group and collective unity. If the players don’t give their all? On certain periods of the match, yes “Admitted a Christophe Galtier who refuses to be resigned when the season would be a terrible fiasco if the title escaped the Parisians.

An observation that could cause leaders to become aware and a strong decision to save the national title all the same? This is not at all the trend according to L’Equipe, for whom Nasser Al-Khelaïfi does not intend to panic and will continue to trust Christophe Galtier for the next matches. No sacking in sight as some big European clubs like Bayern Munich and Chelsea haven’t hesitated to take a drastic move to stem the problems even as the end of the season nears.

This will not be the case at PSG, even if this version can also evolve over time. If Paris fails to raise the bar in the next big games, panic could well take hold of the capital club, even if the Qatari leader had a big weakness for Thomas Tuchel to sit on the PSG bench. And the German is no longer free after signing for Bayern Munich. In the capital, the idea is therefore to finish with the current staff. It remains to be seen if this will continue, and if as Luis Campos and Christophe Galtier wish, the situation will remain the same for next season.


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