Great performance by AS.VO.M.-ODV Montefiascone | CANTUSCIA

The AS.VO.M. once again it demonstrated its efficiency and operational capabilities also in the catering sector.

Over the past weekend, with the use of the well-equipped mobile kitchen, the staff of cooks and the complex equipment with which it is equipped, in Passo Corese it demonstrated its ability to cope even with high street catering needs.

The Association, chaired by the president Tonino Fiani, went to Passo Corese and after having provided, within four hours, to put the various structures in operating condition with the use of about eighteen volunteers, for lunch only Sunday served 1280 meals at the table.

President Fiani, the AS.VO.M. still in the field…

Yes. We have once again tested the efficiency of our forces, not so much for mere glory, but because we are also Civil Protection. These events are exercises for us; should a natural disaster occur that people have to leave their homes, we are able to feed the people who need it.

Exercises that honor the AS.VO.M.-ODV

Positive events that honor the Association, which show the high professionalism of all the Volunteers who work, now recognized by all. What should not be underestimated is that, in these events, the Association carries the name of our city of Montefiascone high

Pietro Glitter

2023-04-30 06:00:33
#Great #performance #AS.VO.M.ODV #Montefiascone #CANTUSCIA



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