It is not enough for Betis Basketball to improve, they must win (87-81)

Another defeat for Betis Basketball in its attempt to escape relegation to the LEB Oro. Falling in the Fuente de San Luis against a squad of the level of Valencia Basket is within the foreseeable, but that is not enough, the situation It is so distressing that it requires feats, winning in unexpected places and that was exactly what was missing for a painful third quarter, another one in the path of the Verdiblanco team.

Because Luis Casimiro’s squad did manage well in the rest of the periods, he was even able to return to the game in the last one to scare Shannon Evans and company at the hands of a Montero who every time it seems with a higher level, but it was not enough in the end. There is also the question of whether the referees would have allowed it in the case of approaching such a great goal.

One only has to review the statistics to assert that this question of the judges was not a trivial matter. For example, the intervals are reviewed and it turns out that Valencia Basket had only been penalized with four fouls. Either Álex Mumbrú’s men don’t defend a bit or it was simply impossible for it to be so.

Such data is even more striking when it is confirmed that in only one and a half minutes Betis Basketball was penalized with two practically consecutive unsportsmanlike fouls on Evans. The first of hers, by Maronka, was reviewed and it was incredible that they maintained their initial decision, since the Hungarian was removed from the action and the former Betic player collided with his shoulder in an absolutely involuntary way. Then the next one would come and a short time later came Casimiro’s explosion, who complained bitterly about the different criteria when it came to distributing those fouls.

The criteria did vary somewhat in the second period, at least a tad, since the final balance indicated a 10-18 against the visitors, with moments of great despair, it is true. But it can be said that this was counted on when facing a match in which Jeremy Pargo made his debut to show that he has a lot of quality and personality, but we will have to see how his chemistry is with the rest of his teammates. For example, he has to know that he must assist the most qualified players for the triples alone, although Pablo Almazán did nail one of the ones that the new player on the squad gave him.

The game was going to start with bad news due to the gastroenteritis suffered by Luke Fischer, which left him out of the game. But Betis Basketball, led by an inspired Jean Montero, was going to be able to keep the pulse at the highest. A triple by a young Dominican closed that first period with a 16-21 lead. The Betic game was convincing despite the fact that it was not the best day, paradoxically, for Tyson Pérez.

Pasecniks, finally, began to appear in attack and everything came to be at 16-26 at minute 12 after another 2+1 by Montero in a steal with a tray. That was where Evans was going to emerge for the locals, unfortunately for those who have the euros for punishment, who are the ones who can pay for it, and also those two practically consecutive unsportsmanlike games that put Valencia Basket in the game with the 29-32 score in the second of Snapper to the previous holder of the 11 bético.

Everything had evened out, but Betis was able to maintain a strong mentality before reaching the intermission, when they arrived ahead on the scoreboard. But everything changed after the period of reflection. It was a festival of triples and despite the fact that Tyson Pérez finally scored one, the locals did take advantage of some facilities, especially through Jones and Djubljevic, to leave in electronic. 70-56 with a layup from Evans so that everything seemed close to being settled.

But Casimiro’s Betis Basketball does have pride when it has all the elements available, or almost all, because Fischer was not. Jean Montero, a great player project, began to offer his recital. Penetrations, doubled passes, fouls from the rival and the visiting team reached 82-79 with very little to go. But that last little push was missing, among other things because Jones is very good and that explains why Evans is his substitute. Everything added up and Betis Basketball will have to wait for another day to seek salvation. There are only seven chances left, the same as for Granada, which also fell to Manresa and is two victories away.


87 – Valencia Básket (16+22+32+17): Jones (19), Radebaugh (7), Port (10), Rivero (5), Dubljevic (17) – five starters – Webb III (7), Marie, Evans (15), Claver (4) Alexander (3). and Hermannsson.

81 – Betis (21+19+16+25): Pargo (2), BJ Johnson (12), Bertans (6), Pérez (10), Gerun (6) -starting five-, Maronka (4), Montero (25), Cvetkovic (3), Almazán (3), Pasecnicks (10) and Baez.

Referees: Serrano, Spider and Lucas. They eliminated visiting Cvetkovic.

Incidences: Match corresponding to day 27 of the Endesa League played in the Fonteta pavilion before 4,265 spectators.

2023-04-16 21:16:24
#Betis #Basketball #improve #win


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