Julia Ituma’s funeral today in Milan, in the parish where she started playing volleyball as a child

And thunderous applause accompanied the entry of the body into the church. Milan moved, she says farewell to Julia Ituma, the 18-year-old Igor Volleyball champion who died tragically in Istanbul in the night between 12 and 13 April last. One hour before the start of the funeral, in front of the Church of San Filippo Neri it was already there a small crowd: friends and relatives of the Nigerian community, the young athletes of the Polisportiva San Filippo Neri, parishioners and friendly families, the whole neighborhood that has known and respected the Itumas for years. At the ceremony too the minister of sport Andrea Abodiaccompanied by the president of the Volley League Mauro Fabris and from mayor of Novara Alessandro Canelli, and the sports manager and former Italian volleyball player Frances Piccinini.

He arrived around 10 in the narrow street where the churchyard opens the social bus of Igor Volley: Julia’s companions they went down in line, huddled together, eyes downcast, expressions of pain. With them Sister Giovanna Saporiti, the president of the company, e Enrico Marchioni, the director general who remained in Turkey until the end, waiting for the autopsy to be completed. After them the coaching staff with the coach Stefano Lavarini and his collaborators. In church too a delegation from the Nigerian embassy. The mamma of Julia, in tears, entered the church supported by family members.

At 10.45 the arrival of the hearse with the coffin covered with white roses, welcomed by thunderous applause, the ceremony began at 11. The churchyard is packed, but the entrances are blocked. A gentleman walks away sadly: «I knew her well. And they won’t let me in.” The total capacity of the church is 400 people, but a security officer confides: “We have greatly exceeded the number”. Several clubs where Julia played reserved benches for athletes and managers, but not all showed up. They have arrived the athletes of Club Italia, where Julia had played before coming to Igor, there is a delegation from Chieri, the girls from the Monza youth sector. Outside the church, in tears, Aurora Cannone, Julia’s childhood friend who had shared the experience of the oratory and the Polisportiva with her. «The memories – she says with a voice broken by emotion – are inside. But just get here for everything to come out. She was big, powerful, ever since we were teenagers. An example”.

The funeral opened with a letter from the archbishop of Milan, Mario Delpini, addressed to the family in primis and read by the celebrant: «I wish to express my closeness and my sharing in this moment of bewilderment. Questions, worries and feelings of guilt crowd in. We pray for Julia with a fixed gaze on Jesus to live well and never despair”.

It was held on Monday evening in the church in via Catone a private vigil in memory of the volleyball player. «You can count on us today, tomorrow, always. Even when silence falls», said Don Fabio Carcano to Elisabeth’s mother, father and brothers. An intimate ceremony, which was attended by friends, family, parishioners and that ended up with a symbolic gesture: the invitation to go to the altar and take a colored crock, symbol of a broken heart and take him home, to continue praying.

2023-04-18 08:53:13
#Julia #Itumas #funeral #today #Milan #parish #started #playing #volleyball #child


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