La Chaumuse. Archery on horseback, a new sport that develops at a gallop

Called equestrian archery or archery on horseback, this atypical and fun sporting activity is accessible to everyone, from 3 to 70 years old. Meeting with “Les Attelages du Grandvaux” which provide regular lessons and courses during the holidays.

From our correspondent, Sandrine MOREL JEAN

Yesterday at 5:30 p.m.

At first glance, you might think that you have to be a virtuoso archer or a skilled horseman to take part in the activity and that it is foolish, if not impossible, to combine horse riding and archery. But the meeting of this Tuesday, April 18 proved to us that this is not the case.

You don’t have to be a good horseman or a good archer

Neophytes in both disciplines are likely to learn archery on horseback, a discipline offered by “Les Attelages du Grandvaux” at La Chaumusse. It must be said that they are quickly put in confidence by Emmanuelle Caty, archer and passionate rider in charge of the equestrian archery activity. It was she who developed it within the equestrian center.

For the first passages, the mounts of neophytes are guided by other participants. Photo Progress/Sandrine MOREL JEAN

Théotime, on holiday in Les Crozats wanted to discover this activity to add “fun to his holidays”. Photo Progress/Sandrine MOREL JEAN

With docile horses

“We start with an initiation on foot to master the bow, learn how to nock. Then, we familiarize ourselves with the mounts by preparing them in the boxes, they are docile horses accustomed to this exercise. Then we go to the site where the targets and lines that frame and guide the horses are set up. The goal is simple: reach the targets while balancing on your mount. Quickly, the apprehension of the start, linked to the fact of being on horseback, disappears, assures the professional. Participants get caught up in the game and forget about the animal to focus solely on the desire to put their arrow right in the bullseye! »

A good way to channel your energy

Like Théotime and Anatole, on vacation in the Jura, who wanted to test “We had already done occasional archery but never on a horse. We are not afraid at all, it is original and exhilarating. »

Michel Pagnier, owner of the equestrian center, did not hesitate to set up this activity in addition to horse-drawn carriage rides, hikes, ski-joering and classic lessons “It’s a way of adding a new rope to my bow…, he smiles. It is a sport that brings in male audiences, with horse riding mainly affecting girls. The fact of archery interests more the male sex who sees there an additional challenge. This sport, which requires calm and precision to optimize your movement, is also a good way to channel your energy. »

Next course on Tuesday 25 April 2023. Reservation at the Grandvaux tourist office: Contact for the Grandvaux couplings in La Chaumusse:

To be able to offer this unusual activity, the team of supervisors of the “Attelages du Grandvaux” has undergone training with a federal expert and refresher courses for riders until they reach a certain degree of professionalism. Eight members of the equestrian center participate in competitions, as is the case this weekend of April 22 and 23, during the interregional championships in Avignon. As for Emmauelle Caty, she has her sights set on a possible participation in the French championships when her schedule allows her to train properly for such an event.

2023-04-21 15:30:00
#Chaumuse #Archery #horseback #sport #develops #gallop


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