Martial arts. Karate Judo Club away in Messina

Karate Judo Club of Sciacca ready for the next one

federal appointment Fijlkam. The partnership of the master Pippo Piazza, Sunday 16 April, will be on stage in Messina for the Regional Championship inherent in the Beginners Category for the Kata and Kumite sectors.

The list of athletes who will take part in this important away match is very long, each for their own weight categories: Laura Santangelo up to 40 kg, Giulia Rita Alesi up to 62 kg, Anna Iadaresta Esposito up to 62 kg, Gabriele Avola up to 38 kg kg, Cristian Avola up to 43 kg, Vincenzo Santangelo up to 43 kg, Enea Falcone up to 48 kg, Sergio Sutera up to 48 kg, Matteo Giovanetti up to 48 kg, Diego Vasile up to 53 kg, Matteo Sutera up to 53 kg , Eduard Ciolan Florin, Gioele Albanese and Francesco Lo Bue up to 58 kg, and Giovanni Mangiaracina up to 63 kg. The athletes will be supported and accompanied by Instructor Michele Catanzaro. For the Saccense society an important race with many young and very young people ready to make their first competitive experiences.


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