NFL: First anti-concussion helmet is approved for NFL quarterbacks

A first helmet designed specifically for quarterbacks to reduce the number of concussions has been approved by the NFL and the AJNFL, The Associated Press learned Thursday.

This helmet, designed by Vicis, reduces the severity of the impact when it hits the ground. According to the league, nearly half of all concussions suffered by quarterbacks are attributable to this kind of impact, including the one suffered by Miami Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa last season, when his head hit the playing surface hard. in a Thursday night game against the Cincinnati Bengals.

“We have analyzed with our engineers and the Players Association more than 1,000 concussions that have occurred on the field, and we now have a more youthful portrait of how these injuries occur,” said Jeff Miller, an NFL executive. in an interview with the AP about helmet-to-ground impacts. This helmet performed better in the laboratory than any other helmet in history at reducing the force of these impacts. »

The helmet is 7 percent more effective at this level than the primary helmet that was worn by quarterbacks last season in the NFL, the league said in a memo sent to team leaders Thursday morning.

Jason Neubauer, a Vicis executive, clarified that the company designed the ‘Zero2 Matrix’ helmet in early 2022.

“What makes it special is that its outer shell is flexible, which means that no matter where the impact occurs on this helmet, it will deform or take damage in order to absorb the force of the impact, he explained. What this means for us, as designers and engineers, as we try to maximize the effectiveness of the helmet against different types of impact, is that the force of the impact at a specific location will be distributed over its entire shell. »

It is unknown at this time how many quarterbacks will adopt this new helmet designed specifically for them. The league and players’ union have shared information about the experiences of this helmet with teams and players so they can make an informed decision. The only other position-specific helmet to have been approved by the NFL is the Vicis Zero2-R Trench, it was designed for offensive and defensive linemen.

The memo sent to teams also included lab test results for authorized helmets for the 2023 season. Miller told the AP that the seven models that were strongly recommended by the league in 2020 are now strongly discouraged. , in the light of the latest laboratory tests.

“It’s a good sign,” he said. We hope to continue the discussion about helmets designed for specific positions or groups of specific positions, or even developing a versatile helmet that will allow players to say: “Work with us, be open to change because helmets of more and more capable will become available over the next few years. »


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