Nico Batum badly tackled by a former teammate? “We all know he shouldn’t…”

While Nicolas Batum saw a rather complicated series of playoffs against Phoenix, the followers began to get annoyed. One of his former Clippers teammates dares to make an enigmatic statement on social networks, and suggests that the Frenchman is directly targeted…

This season, Nicolas Batum has shown that he is a perfect role player. Defense, game vision and a few big 3-point shots: the Frenchie has often been noticed as a positive. However, it is at the arrival of the playoffs that we ask the most of this kind of player, moreover in a team with ambition like the Clippers. On this side, Batman disappoints.

With only 11% success since the start of the series against Phoenix, the native of Lisieux scores a meager 0.8 points per game. If the offensive stats of the former Portland were offset by another impact, the followers could be less observant… But in four games, Nico Batum posted a +/- of -36… Faced with the 3rd defeat of the Clippers, a former teammate allowed himself a big outing, which suggests that the Frenchman is targeted.

The big statement by Patrick Patterson, Batum targeted?

Tyronn Lue continues to show favoritism towards certain players when we all know they shouldn’t be playing. Amazing that that hasn’t changed.

Given Nico Batum’s series, we can think that Patrick Patterson is aiming for him directly on the tweet. As a reminder, the two men know each other well, having been teammates at the Clippers in 2020/21. Marcus Morris could also be the target of this outing, as the winger is struggling to find his rhythm. Like his sidekick, the native of Philadelphia displays an abyssal shooting skill with only 28% of shots returned.

In the absence of Kawhi Leonard and Paul George, Tyronn Lue needs the depth of his squad. Despite a stratospheric Russell Westbrook, the Clippers are now led 3-1 by Devin Booker and Co., and the lack of success of the role players is surely a big part of it. On the fan side in any case, we seem to have understood who Pat Patterson was talking about, and we rather share the opinion of the former strong winger:

What is Batum doing in this team?

Now back to the wall, the Clippers no longer have room for error if they hope to reverse the trend against Phoenix. This comeback will go through the awakening of Nicolas Batum or Marcus Morris, who are currently in fall short of reasonable expectations of them…

2023-04-23 09:40:00
#Nico #Batum #badly #tackled #teammate #shouldnt


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