Raid’y 2023: 118 participants and lots of smiles

Organized by the OMS of Yzeure and the city, in partnership with local sports actors (Eamya, Romya, Trimay, Compagnie d’arc Yzeure, Sogo-Loisirs), this multi-sport raid was able to delight these young fans of combined events .

Laser shooting, mountain biking, running, run and bike, orienteering, archery, obstacle course and climbing were on the program for the three age categories (8/10 years old, 11/12 years old and 13/15 years), all under a radiant sun.

From 12:15 p.m., the 8/10 year old category got the ball rolling, and it was the Gauvain Barroso / Noe Mina team that won in just over 23 minutes, ahead of the mixed duo, made up of Julia Lafituque and Raphael Nicot.

Raid’Y 2023 program

In the 11/12 year old category, it was the duo from Commentry, Mathis Augagneur/ Antonin Ludwiczak who won ahead of Yzeuriens Léony Lhermitte and Louis Barathon, in 47’51”.

Among the oldest (13/15 years old), Baptiste Pourtain and Noe Bourgeon de Commentry, went it alone, beating the triathletes from Bourbon-Lancy, Alexis Daniel and Lazare Maupas by more than 10 minutes.

In short, between pairs of competitors, between friends or family, everyone has found their account on this magnificent site of Ozières.


8-10 ans :
1. Barroso/Mina (Aquarius) in 23’08”;
2. Nicot/Lafituque (Julia and Raphael);
3. Durand/Ribier (The Blondies);
4. Lombard/Zollino (Tim and Marco);
5. Masle/Magnien (Team Cercy);
6. Hamza/Labonne (Youly) ;
7. Bodenstaff/Reveret (Cyclists);
8. Solnom/Lambert (Athletix);
9. Margottat/Maronne (Les belettes);
10. Laffont/ Boucheron (Mbappetl)…

11/12 ans :
1. Augagneur/Ludwiczak (Mathanto 03);
2. Lhermitte/Barathon ( Rider) ;
3. Sarasqueta/Maronne (Les fashions);
4. Dumas/Bento (SDB) ;
5. Surieu/Bapt (Vichy Triathlon) ;
6. Brignon/Robin (Athletes);
7. Lartigue-Merle/ Parant (Team Athlé);
8. Van Der Eecken/Moreau (Girls on Fire) ;
9. Pelletier/Pelletier (Praises);
10. Brajon/Lebigue (The Martens)…

13/15 ans :
1. Pourtain/ Bud (Team Cap 03);
2. Daniel/Maupas (The Strong);
3. Difallah/Bebiano (La Sporteam);
4. Lambert/Auboiron (Lactic guys);
5. Duchamp/Duchamp (Les duch’) ;
6. Madet/Pasquier (The two maggots);
7. Bonnet/Brajon (Louise au Carré);
8. Vandewalle/Thomas (Les Best Friends) ;
9. Malioche/Pomel-Ranglaret (Tourists);
10. Aurambout/Cuissinat (Saucisson 2.0)…

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2023-04-30 09:00:00
#Raidy #participants #lots #smiles



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