Reveal your sex appeal with these 5 exercises to look more attractive than ever in your clothes

Let’s take a famous Zebda tube and see today not how to drop the shirt, but how to “stuff” it.

In the world of bodybuilding, there are more or less superficial muscles and the question of the day is to know what exercises can make you “instantly” more attractive.

Let’s try to apply Pareto’s law to focus our efforts on the basics that will give the majority of results.

Sumo Deadlift, the king of polyarticular exercises

An exercise on which you can really load the mule!

We could have put the squatbut we chose the deadlift for its ability to work the posterior chain, hamstrings to glutes via the back (via the isometric contraction at the end of the movement) and the forearms (to a lesser extent).

It’s a functional hip rotation which will allow you to shine in the removals to seize the piles of boxes left on the ground!

There are a variety of moves, but if we had to pick just one, it might be the sumo deadlift which will target the quadriceps more (hands inside the legs, the latter are further apart).

But nothing prevents you from going to the Romanian deadlift or the single leg rdl if you are more comfortable on it.

Beginners, opt for a trap bar which will allow you to have a straighter back.

The deadlift is an excellent exercise for developing your hamstrings, which will stand out wonderfully in your little chinos!

Bench press: your shirt will no longer close all the way!

man breaking bench press records

Want the wide chest that makes your shirt look like it’s going to rip under the bulk of your pecs?

You have to “develop”!

Lying, sitting or reclining, it’s up to you, but you can’t ignore this fundamental of bodybuilding.

The bench press at the bar will put a strong tension on all parts of the pectorals.

It is conducive to the principle of progressive overload (especially since it is a very motivating exercise that makes you want to pass heavier and heavier bars) in addition to being very accessible.

Pull-ups: for a silver gorilla back

man doing pull-ups

A wide upper back will have a direct impact on your performancethis will open your shoulders and improve your posture.

YOU will look wider automatically.

Pull-ups are arguably one of the best exercises for our goal, targeting the lats unceremoniously.

In an overhand grip slightly wider than the shoulders, keep in mind to “tuck your elbows” in your back jeans pockets on each repetition.

When bodyweight pull-ups become too simple, weight yourself !

For those who are not able to do strict bodyweight pull-ups, you can use assistance (e.g. rubber band) or progress to Aussie pull-ups.

Ideally, we will also work the thickness of your backwith prints of all kinds.

For further :

Military press

man who does military press
At the bar or dumbbells, seated, standing or on the ground, do military press!

Big shoulders give a direct impression of imposing physique and will make you look great in a suit at weddings.

We might want to develop mainly the trapezius muscles, but beware: big trapezius muscles with narrow shoulders could give the opposite visual impression!

Build broad shouldersit is also to contribute to make your waist look slimmer.

For this, the military press will be your best ally, it can be practiced standing up for additional activation of the abdominal strap and stabilizing muscles.

We will then ensure do not arch your lower back too much (for this, we think of engaging the abs) and keep your elbows close to your body (grip not too wide).

Finally, we want a good amplitude and we are fine lock the elbows at the end of the movement.

I won’t go into more detail and refer you to our detailed overhead press guide for more information.

Ideally, the movement should be completed with lateral raises (if possible on the pulley to have continuous tension) for the middle deltoids and face pull for the back of the shoulders.


best bodyweight exercises
Dips will forge that “horseshoe” on the back of your arms!

Dips are considered one of the best chest exercises, with a big stretch at the end of the movement and a big contraction at the top of the movement.

The range of motion is excellent and the tension continue.

Here, we will seek to orient them for a focus triceps (these muscles constitute the majority of the volume of the arms), by adopting a “straighter” position for more elbow flexion.

We will also think of put the legs slightly in front of you to stay straight and be able to throw your elbows back as much as possible.

At the end of the movement, we will take care to fully lock elbows for optimal triceps activation.

Consider loading the move when you can do 15 or more strict reps and control the eccentric phase as much as possible.

What you must remember

Here we are, you have enough to develop big shoulders, widen your chest, thicken your back, pad the sleeves of your shirts and the back of your pants.

That being said, you should not limit yourself to these 5 exercises to build a harmoniously developed physique over the long term, but they constitute a solid base around which to progress.

You should not omit the work of your abs (or more broadly, your trunk), your glutes or even your calves.

Because no, you don’t want to look muscular all dressed up and reveal flamingo legs when undressed…

And you, what would be your top 5?

Updated by Quentin on:13/04/2023

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