San Benedetto sponsor of the Padova Marathon 2023 – Sport Marketing News

Acqua Minerale San Benedetto is the official sponsor of the Padua Marathon 2023. The foot race, now in its 23rd edition, will take place on April 23rd in the heart of the city of Padua and will pass through its most symbolic places. An opportunity to discover and appreciate the art and history of the Venetian city.

The event will take place over several competitive tests, the 41.195 km marathon, the 21.097 km half marathon, a proposal that thrills thousands of runners and which for the occasion crosses the most famous part of the city of Padua and finally the Stracittadine, races uncompetitive in three different variants of the length of 1, 5 and 10 km.

San Benedetto will quench the thirst of athletes with the Ecogreen Natural Mineral Water line, in the 0.5L format, dedicated to those who love nature. This is because the bottles of the Ecogreen Line have CO2eq emissions fully compensated through a process that involves the reduction of CO₂ in production processes, and the total compensation through the purchase of credits to support green projects all over the world. All this makes the Ecogreen Line “CO₂ Impact Zero”.

Furthermore, the 0.5L bottle features the innovative Twist&Drink cap, tied to the bottle so as not to be released into the environment. A sustainable novelty, useful for the consumer and with an important green aspect, anticipating the European directive 2019/904 which requires the cap to be attached to the bottle starting from 2024.

2023-04-17 16:24:07
#San #Benedetto #sponsor #Padova #Marathon #Sport #Marketing #News


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