Two men are gunned down in Rana de Oro; hitmen were on board a pick up

On the night of this April 26, 2023, the National Police reported that it is carrying out operations in the Rana de Oro, Pedregal corregimiento, after a criminal act where two people lost their lives by firearms and another was injured and is recovering in the hospital.

On the video surveillance camera minisúper Chock Hou It is clearly seen how a black double-cab vehicle arrives at the store and two armed men get out. They opened fire on the men who were on that side of the store, in a barbershop that is there. One standing and the other sitting on the floor.

After the burst of bullets that both received, one of them was able to walk a few feet and stammer something, to then collapse in front of a minor who was entering the store at that moment.

After killing his victims, the hitmen fled in the same vehicle, which they later abandoned, specifically in El Naranjal, where police units guarded him.

According to police reports, the vehicle maintains theft complaint.

In addition, it was reported that the man who died immediately was 36 years old and had a criminal record, moreover, he had recently been released from prison. For his part, the man who is seen walking injured and collapsing was 62 years old.

The deputy director of the National Police, Simón Henríquez, went to the area of ​​this violent event to coordinate the police actions to follow. A fierce operation was mounted in search of the murderers and the injured person remains in custody to take care of his physical integrity.

2023-04-27 02:00:32
#men #gunned #Rana #Oro #hitmen #board #pick


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