A Middle School Student in Cimahi Contributes Gold and Bronze Medals at the 2023 SEA Games Cambodia

Cimahi, tvOnenews.com – Aquatic finswimming athletes from West Java (West Java) have successfully won gold and bronze medals at the 2023 SEA Games in Cambodia.

The athlete is named Emperor Hansel Putra Fransciscus, who is a student at SMPN 2 Cimahi City, West Java

The Emperor’s happiness was seen as he always smiled when he held the medallion in his right hand.

Meanwhile, his school friends seemed happy to welcome Emperor Hansel’s return, taking selfies.

Even though he won the 2023 SEA Games gold medal, the Emperor remains humble before his friends and teachers at school.

When met by tvOnenews.com at his school, the Emperor admitted that the struggle to take part in the national selection was not easy and required struggle. Moreover, at a relatively young age, he has to compete with other senior athletes.


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