AMLO calls not to vote for Republicans like John Kennedy after insults to Mexico – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called on Latinos and Hispanics in the United States not to vote for Republican Senator John Kennedy, calling him stupid, arrogant and offensive.

During his morning conference, the president responded to Senator Kennedy —who declared that without the US, Mexicans would be eating cat food—, and called not to vote “for candidates like this senator.”

It may interest you: Mexico would eat cat food without the US: Republican senator; he is ignorant, says Ebrard

“Tell our countrymen, Hispanics, our American friends, not to vote for people with this mentality, very arrogant, very offensive, very foolish.”

The president added that his administration will continue to “maintain a good neighborliness, without allowing the people of Mexico to be insulted, we are not going to allow anyone to do so, for now I won’t say more, because I would have many more things to say.” .

“This is part of a campaign strategy and politics is time and if they already started like this, we are going to respond little by little so that we say more. As soon as they know that we are not going to remain silent or with our arms crossed, Mexico is an independent, free, sovereign country,” López Obrador declared.

For his part, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said that the proposals of the Republican senator are “unacceptable” and added that “he is a deeply ignorant man.

He mentioned that the argument of sending a force to Mexico “when in the United States you have fentanyl circulating everywhere” is fallacious.

“We, of course, reject that, but it is important for public opinion to clarify what it is about: getting a political crack out of it, taking advantage of the migratory flow, blaming Mexico by preparing its electoral political campaign, because the only cement of that party today is the racism,” he said.

On Wednesday, Republican Senator John Kennedy insisted at a hearing by the head of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Anne Milgram, that his country should send troops to Mexican soil to fight drug lords to reduce the flow of fentanyl and take advantage of to compare the economies of the two countries and said that without the US, Mexico would be living in tents and eating cat food.

Migratory flow decreases after the end of Title 42

On the other hand, regarding the end of Title 42, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard affirmed that the migratory flow has decreased since Thursday night.

“In a few words, to summarize, the flow is decreasing to this day, at least until now, we have not had confrontations or situations of violence on the border,” said the Secretary of Foreign Relations in the morning conference of the Government.

The chancellor referred to the end of Title 42, a measure initiated by Donald Trump (2017-2021) and continued by President Joe Biden to immediately expel migrants on the grounds of the Covid-19 pandemic, an emergency declaration that has already ended up in the US

Although an increase in migrants was expected, who have camped in recent days on the border with the United States in the hope of crossing, Ebrard asserted that the National Institute of Migration (INM) of Mexico reports a decrease.

Regarding the main border cities, the Mexican authorities register 10,000 migrants in Ciudad Juárez, 5,500 in Matamoros and 500 in Tijuana, which are right on the border with the United States.

He also pointed out that the National Guard, which was added to the more than 25,000 elements of the Mexican Armed Forces that participate in the migration plan at the borders, has acted with “strict adherence to human rights.”

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“National Guard personnel, as reported, are unarmed. It continues to carry out dissuasive patrols and in order to avoid confrontations with groups of migrants. There are no activities of any other kind taking place,” he reported.

With information from EFE

2023-05-12 15:21:49
#AMLO #calls #vote #Republicans #John #Kennedy #insults #Mexico #Sol #México


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