Archery for everyone

Free archery for everyone in Senigallia. The project of Sport and Health, the operational structure of the Government for the promotion of the social value of sport, and of the Archery Federation was in fact married by Assta, the historic company from Senigallia for years engaged in the promotion of the discipline also in Competitive level. The project provides for the free attendance of an archery course for girls and boys aged 9 to 13 and one of their family members (of any age). To date there are 6 participants, including 5 women of various ages, confirming that the discipline can really be for everyone and you can start practicing it at any age. For them there is a basic archery course and initiatives aimed at training, with insights on correct nutrition to find out in detail which are the correct lifestyles to follow and analysis of the psychological aspects related to archery with exercises on concentration, useful both for archers and for young people for their school career. The course, held by federal instructors, includes a weekly session at the shooting range in via Arceviese.

Andrea Pongetti

2023-05-31 05:34:24


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