“Bielsa is the ideal coach to lead the new celestial generation”

FútbolUy. Follows on Twitter @footballportaluy

The president of the Uruguayan Football Association (AUF), Ignacio Alonso, spoke about Marcelo Bielsa’s first moments as coach of the Uruguayan team, the decision to bet on his figure and the replacement in the national team.

Alonso, interviewed on the program Let’s go (Radio Uruguay), began by talking about the day after the presentation of the Argentine coach as helmsman of the Uruguayan team and mentioned: “Already starting to work. We know that Marcelo was working at the Complex, he is planning, carrying out the analysis work for the FIFA date in June. The introductions are over and the movie begins.

“We are with our heads set on work and in these two upcoming games,” he said later, adding: “They are matches where there will be a lot to observe and cloth to cut, with the summonses and the first performances.”

The president of the AUF, asked about what led to hiring the Argentine, confessed: “His working conditions, his value as a coach, ideas, which fit very well with the generations with whom he will work. It is a new, very young, quality litter, and there are others that are arriving with interesting values”.

“We understood that we needed leadership that would give them added value, which he has already shown in other experiences as a coach in his career,” he explained, and went further: “In addition, he prioritizes all Uruguayan soccer structures.”

“With Diego Alonso’s system, we began to work with the system of sparring, and now it will continue. This will provide the teams with an analysis of the youngest footballers, giving weapons to the new generations, ”he asserted.

When talking about the historic celestials and their participation in the new process (Luis Suárez, Edinson Cavani, Martín Cáceres, Fernando Muslera), he referred to the coach’s sayings: “Each case will have its analysis and it will be seen there. It is an answer that he will give in the coming weeks, with the call, the result of the talks that he has individually. You have to wait a bit.”

Later he referred to the choice of the physical trainer who will join the team’s coaching staff and said that everything is on track: “In the next few days we will decide and communicate, but I cannot get ahead of myself at this time. The final ‘ok’ has to be given, but the idea is for him to be a young professional. It will go through an analysis of Marcelo, with Jorge Giordano
[director de selecciones nacionales] and Esteban Gesture [referente en la parte física]”.

FútbolUy. Follows on Twitter @footballportaluy

SoccerUy – Montevideo Portal

2023-05-19 00:22:00
#Bielsa #ideal #coach #lead #celestial #generation


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