Crema basketball, Logiman wins in Padua

Logiman puts on a sumptuous performance and beats Petrarca Padova again in Veneto with a score of 91 to 75, bringing the series up to 2 – 0. After a balanced first quarter, Baldiraghi’s boys kicked into high gear, gaining more and more advantage.

As expected we descend on the parquet with one absence on each side, Graziani for Logiman and Basile for Petrarca. Crema starts strong with triples from Wiltshire and Fazioli, holds a slight margin but Turel and Bianconi lead the Venetian comeback. After 7′ Padova puts his head ahead on 12 to 11. Crema can no longer find the archery and Bombardieri’s entry locks up the home paint, thanks also to the transition to the more classic of zones 2/3. It is an initiative by Fazioli who scores on entry and transforms an additional free throw to give the definitive version of the score for the first half, which finished 16-15 for the guests.

The balance is also confirmed at the beginning of the second quarter, with the two teams continually surpassing each other in scoring.

Logiman starts dirtying every ball in the defensive phase, Esposito recovers a couple of precious balls like three days before and the frequent changes between the zone and the man create some embarrassment in the Venetian offensive phase. The high quintet with Esposito, Crespi and Stepanovic on the pitch at the same time pays good dividends and coach Volpato soon has to put aside the idea of ​​giving rest to the Morgillo center.

A technician on the Venetian bench and a triple from Fazioli give the go to the Crema partial, dilated by two consecutive triples from Stepanovic which give +15, on 41 to 26. It’s a three-pointer from Bianconi to put Padua back on track, but Stepanovic proves to be too difficult for the former player to contain. Petrarca’s attack lives on the accelerations of Turel, the only offensive terminal but well contained by Esposito.

At the 20′ siren, Logiman is firmly ahead 44 to 32, even if the three fouls each by Fazioli and Ziviani are worrying. In the second half Petrarca charged headlong in search of a comeback. With Turel on the bench, Bolpin and Morgillo bring points to the home team.

Coach Baldiraghi has to give up on Fazioli, hit hard.

A great Ziviani scores seven consecutive points and takes Crema’s advantage back to +13 (64/51). Two free throws by Guerra bring Crema back to maximum advantage but Coppo triples up 66 to 54. Ballati from the corner brings Logiman’s advantage to 17 points and the fourth ends on 71 to 55 for Crema, good at resisting and then finding good shots in the final minutes of the fraction. The pressure on Crema’s ball carriers doesn’t give the Venetians appreciable results. Five consecutive points from Turel deceive Petrarca, punished by a triple from Stepanovic and a counterattack from Ballati. The body language of the Bianconeri at home betrays discouragement, Turel is stubborn in personal initiatives that are not always well advised and Crema doesn’t risk much. Logiman could close the practice sooner given that Padova is soon in bonuses, but four consecutive errors from the line slow down the rosanero’s score escalation. When Turel and Morgillo return to the bench, we understand that it’s really over, despite some excellent initiatives by the young Adami.

Logiman goes 2-0 and on Friday she will have the chance to play for the first match point of the series. Obviously satisfied with coach Baldiraghi:”We played a top-level match, both defensively and offensively. It was a tough match, matches at these levels are like playoffs. We were good in moments of difficulty, we didn’t already have Graziani, we also lost Fazioli. Everyone who entered made a great contribution. I still can’t rejoice, enjoy it, because a victory is still missing, we have to work well to get to Friday and still have a good race”.

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2023-05-17 08:43:25
#Crema #basketball #Logiman #wins #Padua


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