Cremona Evening – Everything is ready for Japan Show and Italian Koi Expo. In Cremona a small corner of Japan

Everything is ready for Japan Show – Exhibition of Japanese culture and Italian Koi Expo – International championship of Japanese carp, which on May 20 and 21 will open its doors at the Cremona Fair:

  • 160 koi carp in competition – 16 different varieties
  • 37 tanks
  • over 50 events in two days
  • 60 exhibitors
  • 4 exhibitions including an exhibition of traditional objects from the private collection of the Consulate General of Japan in Milan
  • 9 different event areas

This year we have multiplied the number of exhibitors and the number and variety of events that will take place in the “Japanese Two Days” – he declares Robert BiloniPresident of CremonaFiere. “We are enthusiastic about the positive response from this sector and the collaboration with the Italian Koi Association with which we started this journey last year, combining our skills. The main objective is to make the event a continuous appointment over the years“.

Numerous activities will kick off on Saturday 20 May at 10:00, from the eagerly awaited Koi Show – International Japanese carp championship, the beating heart of Italian Koi Expo, with 37 competition tanks and over 160 specimens registered from Italy and Europe.

Numerous exhibitions such as “Japan in Show”, organized thanks to the patronage and collaboration of the Consulate General of Japan in Milan; and an amazing Bonsai exhibition organized by Arco Bonsai and Helen Club.

Visitors to the event will be able to participate in numerous activities: from Origami workshops, to mini Japanese language courses, to Sashiko workshops, to the Kintsugi conference.

In addition to numerous book presentations, there will be demonstrations of Martial Arts such as Judo, Aikido, Kenjutsu, Kendo, Kata with Masters and students of numerous schools and Dojos and fascinating dance and Kimono dressing shows.

The Japanese theater of images Kamishibai and the powerful Taiko drums cannot be missing and the further note of color will be given by the gathering of the legendary Daihatsu Trevis on Saturday 20th.

The whole day of Saturday will also be accompanied by performances by the Taiko Lecco Association which, with the sound of powerful Japanese drums, will be the soundtrack to the Event from the gardens of the Fair.

For manga fans, the highly anticipated meeting with Keiko Ichiguci. The appointment is for Sunday 21 May at 12.00. Furthermore, for lovers of this world, there will be a special exhibition dedicated to the legendary Lady Oscar organized in collaboration with Yamato Video.

Expectations are growing for the second edition of the Italian Koi Expo at the Cremona Fair – he declares Sebastiano AdamiPresident of the IKA (Italian Koi Association) -. We are proud to have brought the Koi Show back to Italy and to be able to present an event of international significance. The community of professionals and enthusiasts is already responding with great enthusiasm and with the teamwork carried out together with CremonaFiere and we are laying the foundations for a high-level annual event dedicated to the world of koi carp”.

The Koi Show awards, with the awarding of category prizes, special prizes and Champion prizes, will be held on Sunday 21 May at 3.00 pm in the competition field created by IKA (Italian Koi Association).

Japan Show and Italian Koi Expo will be open to the public on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 May, from 10:00 to 19:00. Tickets to access the Event are already available for online purchase at the link:

More information and the complete event program are available on the official website of the event:

2023-05-16 13:23:26
#Cremona #Evening #ready #Japan #Show #Italian #Koi #Expo #Cremona #small #corner #Japan


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