Despite problems: That’s why Marco Friedl remains Werder Bremen captain!

Friedl had trouble with a double role

Marco Friedl does not seem to be undisputed as captain at Werder Bremen – does the team even vote him out?

For Marco Friedl, his first year as Bundesliga captain was a “roller coaster ride”. But despite the changeable performance, the Austrian will continue to lead SV Werder Bremen as captain in the coming season.

Bremen – For Marco Friedl it was a very special season, he was allowed to lead the team of SV Werder Bremen to take the field as captain, replacing the experienced Ömer Toprak, who had left the club. Because Friedl was only 24 years old in the summer of 2022, there were many discussions as to whether he was the right one and whether it was right for him. Looking back, it can now be said: Friedl had a hard time with the new double role. Coach makes it too Ole Werner no secret, but he sticks to his captain and would not deviate from his procedure in principle.

Marco Friedl soon no longer Werder Bremen captain? Ole Werner has the team re-elected

Werner lets the team choose the captain, which is rare in the Bundesliga. Most of the time, the coaches choose their captain. “I would do the same thing again,” he says Ole Werner. Because the captain After all, he is there for the team – and that is why they have to determine him. Marco Friedl but now does not have to contribute to his office Werder Bremen to fear. Because a new election in the summer is not planned. The Austrian remains captain, according to Werner. In fact, elections are only made when the incumbent is no longer available. However, Friedl is not undisputed in the team. According to reports, not everyone is satisfied with the appearance of their captain. The defender led the team on the pitch with a lot of words and gestures, but got into sporting problems himself.



Of course that is too Ole Werner not escaped. “Marco is the youngest captain in the Bundesliga. You have to grow into this role and find the balance with the tasks around it, in the team, in public, but also with the sporting performance – and that is always the most important thing,” says Werner and adds: “Marco had to do that get used to, since he has developed. He has shown good performances, especially in the last few weeks.”

Marco Friedl on his future at Werder Bremen: “I want to be captain for a few years”

Marco Friedl appeared more stable on the pitch, although a few lack of concentration crept in again and again. He was more clear after the games when he answered questions for the team. He did not hide himself even in the most difficult moments, found clear words and did not skimp on criticism. There the now 25-year-old found his role. And recently, in an interview with, he admitted his sporting problems, spoke of a roller coaster ride, but asserted his claim to leadership Werder Bremen out of the question: “I want to be captain here for a few years.” (kni)

Note: In an earlier version it was stated at this point that Ole Werner would let the team choose the captain of SV Werder Bremen again this summer. That’s not true. Unfortunately, there was a misunderstanding in the communication between the trainer and the author of the text. Marco Friedl remains Werder captain, we have adjusted the relevant positions.

2023-05-31 07:10:00
#problems #Marco #Friedl #remains #Werder #Bremen #captain


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