Fatigue from the change of season? Fight it with green |

Fatigue from the change of season? Choose #spring green vegetables.

???? Asparagus, broccoli, artichokes, chicory, fennel, rocket, spinach, endive, lettuce, snow peas, courgettes…they are rich in:

???????? CHLOROPHYLL: favors the re-oxygenation of our tissues thus providing a #detox action;

???????? MAGNESIUM: reduces #tiredness and fatigue, contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous and muscular system;

???????? POTASSIUM: regulates neuromuscular function, promotes normal activity of the heart muscle;

???????? FOLIC ACID: essential for cell regeneration and hemoglobin formation, responsible for transporting oxygen to all tissues of the body.

Photo: Valentina Celeste

food change of season spring tiredness vegetables vegetables

2023-05-07 14:13:00
#Fatigue #change #season #Fight #green


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