Foot PSG – Kim Min-Jae at PSG, it’s serious!

PSG do indeed intend to strike a blow on the transfer market this summer by recruiting Neapolitan defender Kim Min-Jae.

Very close to winning the bet to recruit Milan Skriniar, free of any contract, Paris Saint-Germain could strike a blow by recruiting another rock from Serie A. Indeed, the Corriere dello Sport and The Sun confirm the information according to which the capital club have made Kim Min-Jae a priority in order to strengthen their defense in the next transfer window.

Kim priority of Luis Campos at PSG?

Recruited by Napoli for just 18 million euros from Fenerbahçe last summer, the South Korean international has established himself as one of the best players in Europe in his position. The interest of Paris Saint-Germain is therefore not surprising, Luis Campos wanting to recruit reliable players in key positions, in central defense and in midfield in particular.

In its edition of the day, the Corriere dello Sport, which is also based on information delivered by The Sun, affirms that the first contacts have already been established between Paris Saint-Germain, the staff of Naples and Kim’s entourage. For the moment, it is not known if the player is interested in the prospect of joining the Parisian club. On the side of Luis Campos and Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, we are in any case making this file a priority.

Manchester United also dreams of Kim

It must be said that Kim has a release clause of only 50 million euros, which makes him a reliable and accessible player for a reasonable sum given his qualities. It now remains to be seen whether Napoli will manage to extend the contract of their rock. President Aurelio De Laurentiis notably aims to reassess the amount of his defender’s release clause, which would not suit PSG or Manchester United, who are also very interested in the idea of ​​recruiting the South Korean in order to to associate him with Raphaël Varane next season.

2023-05-23 13:30:05
#Foot #PSG #Kim #MinJae #PSG


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