Giulia Tramontano, boyfriend under investigation for voluntary homicide. The searches focus on a park

He is being investigated for willful homicide and aggravated Alessandro Impagnatiello, the 30-year-old boyfriend of Giulia Tramontano, the 29-year-old 7 months pregnant who disappeared between Saturday evening and last Sunday morning from her home in Senago, in the Milanese area. It is learned from qualified sources. In the late afternoon, the man would have received guarantee information.

The searches

An attempt is being made to reconstruct that “gap” of hours, between Saturday evening, when Giulia is framed around 8pm by a video camera near her house and sends a message a little later, and Sunday morning, when her cell phone is off-line and his mate, Alessandro Impagnatielloa barman in a luxury hotel in Milan, leaves his house to go to work around 7. And it was he who in the afternoon, after returning, reported the disappearance of his partner left in bed at dawn, he explained, while she was sleeping and that she would then leave only with her passport, ATM (at the moment no withdrawals have been recorded) and 500 euros in cash, but without taking her clothes with her.

Meanwhile , the searches for the young woman are being concentrated in an increasingly limited area . Four days after his disappearance, at the disposal of the Milan prosecutor’s office, the carabinieri, including the scientific, firefighters and civil protection, with the help of molecular dogs, are sieving an area inside the Groane park, in wooded part, close to a baseball field and which is a maximum of two kilometers from the house where the young woman lives with her boyfriend with whom, before vanishing, she had a heavy quarrel.

Boyfriend who, as it turns out, would have had a parallel relationship with another woman, an American, who had been going on for a few months. She too would have become pregnant but her baby would have lost it. While her sister today launched an appeal on social media again, writing «if we haven’t found Giulia yet, it’s because I haven’t done enough. I ask you to make one more effort “, the investigations coordinated by the adjunct Letizia Mannella and by the prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo continue without excluding any hypothesis, even the most tragic

The other woman

What has currently emerged in the investigation, through the acquisition of messages sent by the 29-year-old to family members and a friend, from surveillance videos installed in the area where the couple lives and from some testimonies, is that the young woman before disappearing she would have argued heavily with her boyfriend: she had discovered that he would have a sort of second life with another, she too became pregnant with a child then lost and she too was unaware of the parallel relationship and of the baby on the way. Also on Saturday there would be a three-way meeting, perhaps to clarify things, but which would upset Giulia, as well as her parents to whom she had confided in her betrayal.

The quarrel

In fact, the next day, mother, father and sister, worried because they were no longer able to contact her, from the Neapolitan area rushed to Senago at her boyfriend’s house with whom they would have argued and even come to blows. Meanwhile, the hypothesis of instigation to suicide has been entered in the investigation file, a technical crime title to carry out all the investigations on a case in which nothing is excluded. For this reason, after yesterday the searches were concentrated in the Villoresi canal and in the Seveso, starting today a well-defined area within the Groane park is being sifted in the hope of finding some clues.

2023-05-31 19:14:54
#Giulia #Tramontano #boyfriend #investigation #voluntary #homicide #searches #focus #park


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