Giuntoli Juve, decision taken for the re-foundation: but the ferryman hypothesis appears

Giuntoli Juve, decision taken for the re-foundation: but the ferryman hypothesis appears




Giuntoli-Juve, decision taken for the re-foundation: but the ferryman hypothesis appears if De Laurentiis does not release the ds

Second The Sports Gazette yesterday’s plea agreement with the FIGC prosecutor marks even more the distance between the Juve of the past and the Juve of the present of Elkann. Andrea Lambs has chosen to go to trial again, while the current club is much more technical and pragmatic. The sports sphere is also changing: Calvo e Scanavino have decided to entrust the football restart of the club to Cristiano Giuntoli.

The DS of Napoli has not yet been released from Of Lawrence but the die has been cast and there is no air of program changes. Now, soon or at the latest in a year – in which case it would be Mannads of the Next Gen, the ferryman -, it will be up to Giuntoli rebuild the Lady. The priority is to bring it back to the levels of Andrea Agnelli’s early years, when Juventus were successful both on the pitch and in terms of balance sheets.


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