Jimmy Butler, Michael Jordan and the dream of an urban legend

The theory that Jimmy Butler is the son of Michael Jordan is crazy, without serious foundations, but Butler is doing everything possible so that we begin to believe, all together, that an urban legend is possible.

“The world is not a rainbow of pink clouds, it’s a mean and wild world, and no matter how tough you are, it will bring you to your knees and leave you that way permanently if you let it. No one will hit you as hard as life. And It doesn’t matter how hard you hit, it matters that you resist and keep moving forward” — Rocky Balboa

Jimmy Butler is cold now. He is just a child. It’s raining. He cries because his mother, the one who should have taken care of him the most, is not there. He doesn’t know who his father is. He is alone in the world. He then has two paths: surrender to what life pushes him. Or get up and fight. Jimmy then stands up.

Advance to the tumbles between storms. From Chicago to Miami with a stopover in Minnesota and Philadelphia. A son of the street who seeks affection. A space to be tamed. And then Pat Riley. Erik Spölstra. And Miami as a takeoff into eternity.

May 2023. The Celtics have a much better team than the Heat. Tyler Herro He is out due to injury. Boston should win this series, but it’s down 2-0. The reason is tactical discipline, effort, but also the stubbornness of a player ready to make history.

There is something burning in his eyes. A flashback that transports us to other times. A face to face with Grant Williams that takes us back to forgotten times. To happy times. I once saw that man in red. It’s crazy, it can’t be, but I’ve already seen this movie. believe me. It’s deja vu in the form of basketball.

In the era of the triple, in the signature without discussion that the range is already very far or very close, Butler breaks the maximum. It’s not about what, but how. The middle distance, the shot that took Jordan to infinity, is now claimed with Jimmy Buckets. The world has lived wrong.

There goes Butler with the urban legend on his back. Ridiculous, absurd, meaningless. An utopia. As Eduardo Galeano once said: “Utopia is on the horizon. I walk two steps, she moves two steps away and the horizon stretches ten steps further. So what is utopia good for? For that, it is good for walking”.

Jimmy Butler, the clutch man, the one who appears at important moments, invites us to live a dream that we don’t want to end. Scripts can be rewritten. The stories, if we want them strong, can be real. That, to me, is the playoffs. I choose to believe. And also, why not, life: a magical, beautiful, and fantastic adventure worth going through.

Here we go.

2023-05-20 14:01:39
#Jimmy #Butler #Michael #Jordan #dream #urban #legend


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