J&J’s Covid Vaccine No Longer Available in US – La Voce di New York

Johnson & Johnson’s covid-19 vaccine is no longer available in the US: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have communicated the elimination of the doses still left, expired or about to expire.

About 19 million Americans received J&J’s product, or 7% of the population. More than 31.5 million doses, however, have been delivered to states and other countries, of which 12.5 million have remained unused. The immunization had been associated with the possible development of a rare but serious pathology, the syndrome thrombosis with thrombocytopenia. For this reason, the CDC had changed the procedures for authorizing the use of the vaccine, which had remained in use only for individuals for whom it was not possible to use mRna vaccines for various reasons.

Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines accounted for the vast majority of injections administered. Now that the Covid-19 health emergency has ended in the United States, these vaccines remain free while federal supplies last.

2023-05-15 19:44:54
#JJs #Covid #Vaccine #Longer #Voce #York


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