La Liga asks for a new deadline for the viability plan

Hard blow for FC Barcelona. Spanish champion at the end of a controlled season on the other side of the Pyrenees, Barça is encountering cash flow problems. While waiting for a response from La Liga to find out if their viability plan was validated on Monday, the Catalan leaders will still have to wait. Indeed, according to information obtained by Sports worldLa Liga finally asked for more time to be able to approve it or not.

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Estimated at one or even two weeks, this new timing will prevent the Catalan club from looking into their summer transfer window. As a reminder, Barça cannot move forward before knowing the final opinion of La Liga to be able to quickly reorganize the treasury with a view to submitting a second viability plan. More than ever, time is money in Barcelona.

To read
Barça: Xavi sends a message to Lionel Messi

Pub. the 22/05/2023 19:28

2023-05-22 17:28:20
#Liga #asks #deadline #viability #plan


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