Mother’s Day: Elizabeth raised Alejandra Valencia a responsible earner | News from Mexico

Although Alexandra Valencia can boast of having attended three olympics and to win one bronze medal in the last, when it is in hermosillo the only judge who writes down his points is his mother.

And it is that Elizabeth Trujillo He has sought to raise his three children in an exemplary manner, whether they are married, on the path to successful careers, or traveling the world to take on the best in the world of sports. archery.

“The education they gave me was the same. As I tell her, ‘It doesn’t matter if you bring a medal, it doesn’t matter if you went to the Olympic Games, you have a responsibility here at home and you have to do it’; from starting to sweep, mop, wash, the responsibilities remain the same.

“Where I do feel that I failed, and it is highly recommended to tell the parents, is that At present it is affecting the intervention of parents in sports. For example, I did that: ‘Alejandra, you’re not going to go if you don’t do your homework first, you’re not going to train if you don’t get up and clean your room’That was the threat, to put it that way,” he said.

But like all mothers, not everything is scolding. And despite the fact that the expected results in sports and in life in general are not always obtained, she is always there to support when things seem to get out of her way.

“In London it was very difficult. She had told us that she was suffering a lot. She spoke to us and told us that she was feeling bad, that she felt a lot of pressure, that all the geniuses of her colleagues were very strong, and that did take her out of her little bubble.

“I hadn’t realized to what degree until I see her compete. As soon as I saw the screen I said to my cousin ‘Hey, Monica, it’s not Alejandra who’s shooting’. And yes, she later found out that she wasn’t there. Not because he lost, but because you know your children and you know how they are, when something moves the mat.”

Elizabeth Trujillo Carranza
Children: Hector, Margarita and Alejandra Valencia

2023-05-10 16:00:02
#Mothers #Day #Elizabeth #raised #Alejandra #Valencia #responsible #earner #News #Mexico


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