National men’s basketball short training camp players report to Zhou Qi to sign autographs for young fans_Training Base_Basketball_Status

Original title: National men’s basketball short training camp players report to Zhou Qi to sign autographs for young fans

Zhou Qi signs autographs for young fans

On April 30, the athletes, coaching staff and support team who participated in the National Men’s Basketball Short Training Camp arrived at the Qingdao Guoxin Basketball Training Base. From May 1st to May 9th, the National Men’s Basketball Short Training Camp will be held here.

The athletes in this short training camp are mainly relatively young athletes who have completed the league tasks. The main purpose of this national men’s basketball short training camp is to help athletes adapt to the national team’s preparation system in advance and maintain a good state. The World Cup men’s basketball training squad will change according to future specific conditions, team preparation needs, athlete status and other factors. And comprehensive consideration.

Speaking of this selection, Du Runwang said: “Every time you are selected for a national team, it is an encouragement and a motivation to urge yourself to work hard to win the honor of playing for the country. This is what a basketball player must pursue.”

Wang Lanyi, who was selected for the first time, said: “I feel very excited. I have always wanted to wear the jersey with the five-star red flag. Now that I have entered the short training camp, I hope to continue to learn and show myself here.”

Cui Yongxi, who participated in the training and competition of the sixth window period, expressed the different feelings brought about by the two selections: “I was quite nervous when I was selected last time, but I feel very kind when I come back this time.” At the same time, he also said: “This Coming to the short training camp for the first time, my confidence has also improved a little. I still hope that I can maintain my tenacity and go all out on the court.”

Tomorrow, the National Men’s Basketball Short Training Camp will officially start training.

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2023-04-30 15:07:17
#National #mens #basketball #short #training #camp #players #report #Zhou #sign #autographs #young #fans_Training #Base_Basketball_Status


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