PSG – Suspended, will Lionel Messi play again with PSG? “There will be discussions”, promises Christophe Galtier

I was told to smile so…“. Even if Christophe Galtier tried humor to defuse the situation, his press conference this Friday at Camp des Loges drew the outlines of a controlled communication from the capital club concerning the Lionel Messi affair. Suspended for two weeks after skipping training on Monday without the club’s permission, the Argentinian will miss against Troyes, but also against Ajaccio.

Will he be back against Auxerre for PSG’s final sprint? Nothing is less certain and Galtier himself admitted that nothing was quite certain. “We will see when Leo comes back, we will see what will happen, there will be discussions with the entire club but also with Leo who is the first concerned.“, he simply let go.

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A few minutes earlier, he had insisted on passing his line of conduct: no comment from him on the case. “I was informed earlier this week by my management of the decision to suspend Leo. I was informed of the decision, I took the decision not to comment on it. I am an employee of the club, I do not comment on it“, he first explained.

Lionel Messi and Christophe Galtier – March 3, 2023, in Ligue 1

Credit: Getty Images

Relaunched on his place in the process of this decision which made talk in the whole of Europe, the Parisian coach played the card of transparency: “I didn’t have to make the decision. I have been informed and I comply with the decision taken.“. Still, this episode adds to an already busy series.

“I do not accept that we can go to anyone’s home”

Isn’t this permanent crisis likely to discourage him? Not in the least listen to him, still focused on his title goal at the end of the season. “There is a big gap between what you can say or write and what we live, us, on a daily basishe explained to the journalists present. The news at the beginning of the week was the suspension of Léo, there are poor performances, we are not hiding behind anything. But I insist: there is a very big gap between what you can say, what you can write, what you can invent and the reality of the locker room. Tell you that we are living in a pleasant period? No, I grant you“.

In addition to Messi’s suspension, the week was marked by a peaceful demonstration by the Ultras on Wednesday against the Factory, PSG’s headquarters in Boulogne-Billancourt, before some decided to go to Bougival to demonstrate in front of Neymar’s home. A choice regretted by the CUP but also by Galtier.

Regarding the gathering of some supporters in front of a player’s home, you always have to be very careful about thisat-il have you. Privacy should remain privacy. I can understand the anger, the disappointment, I can understand that we can come and demonstrate here, at our workplace (at Camp des Loges, editor’s note), in front of the offices of the Factory, at the Parc des Princes… But I don’t accept that we can go to anyone’s home. At any time, there can be overflows and God knows that we see a lot of them“.

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2023-05-05 11:46:00
#PSG #Suspended #Lionel #Messi #play #PSG #discussions #promises #Christophe #Galtier


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