The career of the incredible Hildago de l’Île in five videos

Sunday, Hildago de l’Île, died at the age of twenty-eight. Faithful accomplice of Nicolas Touzaint, the incomparable gelding has trod some of the most beautiful grounds of eventing. From Fontainebleau to London via Pau, Badminton and Saumur, relive the career of this crack in five videos.

Died on Sunday at the age of twenty-eight, Hildago de l’Île (Sf, Uri du Longbost x Trio) will remain as one of the greatest champions in the history of French eventing. GRANDPRIX invites you to relive the long and beautiful career of the partner of Nicolas Touzaint’s legendary gelding in five videos. We first discovered him in 2006 in Fontainebleau, where he ranked second in the French stage of the former Eventing World Cup. We then find him in Pau, where the couple won the CCI 5*-L (formerly CCI 4*) in 2007, then in 2008 in Badminton, where Nicolas Touzaint remains the only French rider to have won the most prestigious eventing of the planet, in 2009 in Saumur as part of the Grand National, a federal circuit in which he had won no less than nine stages, and finally at the London Olympics in 2012

After a sporting career of remarkable longevity, Hildago de l’Île retired in 2013, at the age of eighteen, a few months after being crowned French Pro Elite champion at Pompadour.

2023-05-11 09:53:54
#career #incredible #Hildago #lÎle #videos


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