The Tour de France awards the highest score to Vitoria-Gasteiz for its commitment to promoting the use of bicycles


The Tour de France has awarded Vitoria-Gasteiz the highest score, within the ‘Ville à Vélo’ distinction, which recognizes cities that work proactively “to make cycling a way of being and living”. The capital Alavesa has received “the four bicycles, the product of a voluntarist strategy and thanks to the actions implemented in favor of cycling mobility”.

In a statement, the city council explained that “of the 32 municipalities that have applied for the distinction, only three have achieved the highest score: Vitoria-Gasteiz, Paris and Bordeaux.

The distinction awarded by the gala round aims to encourage and recognize the initiatives taken by municipalities to promote everyday cycling. To obtain this seal, an exhaustive analysis of the municipality’s cycling mobility policy has been carried out.

In the case of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the jury has recognized its bicycle mobility policy, with clear and realistic objectives, and with a work methodology that responds to mobility needs. Also, the increase in the modal share of the bicycle in the city, which has gone from 3% in 2010 to 15% in 2020, as well as the “good quality and few discontinuities” cycling infrastructure network that the capital of Álava has.

Other notable aspects have been the long-term secure parking service at strategic points in the city and the direct participation and support given to sporting events.

Likewise, the ‘Ville à Vélo’ label has considered that “Vitoria-Gasteiz is a territory committed to sustainable mobility. Since 2010, through the implementation of the Cycling Mobility Master Plan, the city has quantitatively and qualitatively developed this alternative of urban mobility for its inhabitants”, he highlighted.


“Through recurring investments in the development of the bicycle as a means of transport, merchandise logistics and even social cohesion programs, it is evident that the city understands and acts to continue taking advantage of the different benefits of the daily use of the bicycle “, has valued the Tour de France.

Likewise, he stressed that Vitoria-Gasteiz has an extensive network of cycling lanes “that allows its inhabitants to travel by bicycle with a high degree of safety”. Lastly, he pointed out that “the city is committed to the development of the bicycle as a tool for sport”.

In this sense, he has stated that “in the city there are numerous clubs and associations dedicated to promoting different sports disciplines, and the City Council grants subsidies and is actively involved in carrying out sporting events that take place periodically in the city “.

In addition to Vitoria-Gasteiz, all the cities that will participate in the ‘Grand Départ Pays Basque 2023’ and present themselves for the ‘Ville à Vélo’ label of the Tour de France have been recognized. The capital of Álava, which has achieved four bicycles, is followed by San Sebastián with three and Bilbao and Amorebieta-Etxano, with two.

The label ‘Ville à Vélo du Tour de France’ was born in 2021 and pursues the objective of linking professional cycling with sustainable mobility. To aspire to accreditation, municipalities must highlight in their application all existing systems to promote cycling and present short- and medium-term development plans at the local level.

Some of the criteria that are valued are the deployment of infrastructures, the improvement of the safety of cyclists, learning how to ride a bicycle, parking lots, the fight against theft, maintenance and repair, among other issues. In short, measures implemented that contribute to the development of the bicycle as a means of transport, leisure or a tool for practicing sport.

2023-05-11 15:31:20
#Tour #France #awards #highest #score #VitoriaGasteiz #commitment #promoting #bicycles


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