They hold the 2nd concentration of baseball 5 in Ensenada

Ensenada, B. C.

In order to improve and perfect the necessary strategies to have all the possible resources when competing in the 2023 Conade Nationals, the Baja California baseball 5 team held a second sports concentration in the city of Ensenada.
Last Saturday, young people from the different municipalities of the entity met at the Ensenada High Performance Center to go to the Suterm sports unit and carry out training sessions.
Both in the first concentration that took place in the CAR of Ensenada, and in the one last weekend, it was sought that the Baja Californian talents understood the regulations of the game and the different strategies that are required to come out winners in the maximum sports fair. youth from Mexico
Baseball 5 is a new sport that recently formed part of the Conade 2023 Nationals, which is why the junior youth and senior youth categories are working hard with a view to the Nationals. For all of Mexico it is a new sport, but we do not take our finger off the line in training because we want Baja California to be on the podium”, commented the president of the Baja California State Softball Association, Ricardo Meza.
Baseball 5, better known as rubber ball, officially baseball 5, is an international sport currently controlled by the World Baseball and Softball Confederation since 2017. It is a five-on-five sport, based on the four corners, a street game in Cuba .

2023-05-08 06:03:19
#hold #2nd #concentration #baseball #Ensenada


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