traces of blood in his car. Searches in a park

He is under investigation for aggravated voluntary homicide Alessandro Impagnatielloil fiancé Of Julia Tramontanothe 29-year-old, 7 months pregnant, disappeared from her home on Saturday night Senago, in the Milanese area, towards evening, in fact, the scientific investigation section of the carabinieri entered the couple’s home, in via Novello, to carry out the surveys and investigations, looking for traces and comparisons to the elements already collected in recent days. The 30-year-old, barman in a luxury club in Milan, was also notified of a guarantee information signed by the deputy prosecutor Letizia Mannella and by the prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo. The tGiulia’s biological traces (presumably blood) that were found in her partner’s car are the element that accelerated the investigation.

The searches

Meanwhile, the carabinieri, firefighters and civil protection, with the help of molecular dogs, are also sifting through an area within the Groane park, partly wooded, close to a baseball field and which is at most two kilometers away from the house where the young woman lived with her boyfriend with whom, before vanishing, she had a heavy quarrel.

Boyfriend who, as it turns out, would have had a parallel relationship with another woman, an American, who had been going on for a few months. She too would have become pregnant but her baby would have lost it. The investigations by the prosecutor’s office and the carabinieri are reconstructing that “gap” of hours, between Saturday evening, when Giulia is framed around 8 pm by a camera near her house and sends a message a little later, and Sunday morning, when her cell phone is off -line and his partner, Alessandro Impagnatiello, a barman in a luxury hotel in Milan, leaves the house to go to work around 7.

The betrayal

And it was he who in the afternoon, after returning, reported the disappearance of the companion left in bed at dawn, he explained, while he was sleeping and that then he would leave only with his passport, ATM (at the moment it was not registered no withdrawal) and 500 euros in cash, but without bringing the clothes with you. What has currently emerged in the investigation, through the acquisition of messages sent by the 29-year-old to family members and a friend, from surveillance videos installed in the area where the couple lives and from some testimonies, is that the young woman before disappearing she would have argued heavily with her boyfriend: she had discovered that he would have a sort of second life with another, she too became pregnant with a child then lost and she too was unaware of the parallel relationship and of the baby on the way.

In fact, again on Saturday there would be a three-way meeting, perhaps to clarify things, but which would upset Giulia, as well as her parents to whom she had confided in the betrayal. In fact, the next day, mother, father and sister, worried because they were no longer able to contact her, from the Neapolitan area rushed to Senago at her boyfriend’s house with whom they would have argued and would also have come to her hands. So after yesterday the searches were concentrated in the Villoresi canal and in the Seveso, today the investigators, in addition to sifting through a well-defined area within the Groane park, entered the Senago house from where Giulia disappeared

2023-05-31 20:13:57
#traces #blood #car #Searches #park


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