Unisport Cavagnolo writes an important new page in history

First time on the podium in the club classification at an Italy Judo Trophy for Unisport, which thanks to the results of its boys places itself in second place, behind only Akiyama Settimo and ahead of Kumiai. An historic result, kept safe at the PalaGeorge di Montichiari on the occasion of the Italia Judo Lombardia Trophy reserved for Beginners B.

Federico Di Gianni on the top step of the podium in Montichiari: the young Unisport bearer is first in the national rookies B ranking of 55 kg

In the weight category at the 55 kg limit, Frederick DiGianni, after winning five matches, he conquers a well-deserved gold medal, which, after that of Taranto, allows him to keep the first place in the national ranking. The result drags the other teammates who, later, go back to the podium with Lorenzo Rizzuto in the 60 kg: the hilly athlete wins the first three ippon matches and only loses in the semifinal, a match in which, without giving up until the end, he recovers a waza ari at the last second and wins the bronze medal. In the 50 kg Daniele Santoro, after winning three matches, loses in the semifinals and then fails to win the final for the bronze, remaining at the foot of the podium, with a respectable fifth place. In the 81 kg, Massimo e Gianluca Sauchelli they both finished in seventh place, after having played a good race, characterized by a lot of grit. Also noteworthy is the ninth place of Alessandro Averone in the 38 kg, while Pasquale Romeo gets a disqualification that prevents him from continuing his race. As anticipated, thanks to all these results and placements, the Cavagnolese club takes second place on an all-Piedmontese podium. Sara Espositothe only Unisport girl competing in Montichiari, finished her career in ninth place in the 52 kg.

Unisport Montichiari podium

All-Piedmontese podium in Lombardy with Unisport Cavagnolo of coach Alessandro Di Gianni second classified behind Akiyama Seventh and ahead of Kumiai

Meanwhile the Cadets Alessia Esposito, Matteo Piccione e Luca Enascutselected for a competition with the regional team, participate on Sunday in the Austria Cup in Zeltweg, bringing home a gold medal with Matteo in the 46 kg and a bronze medal with Alessia in the weight category at the limit of 48 kg.

Great celebration for the entire Unisport group: as already mentioned several times, everyone is doing their part, with commitment and dedication.

Finally, this week everyone is at work preparing the 7th City of Cavagnolo Trophy – Giovanni Leggio Memorial, scheduled for Sunday 21 May at the Palazzetto di Cavagnolo. Thanks, as always, to the parents who participate and believe in the kids.

2023-05-17 09:00:33
#Unisport #Cavagnolo #writes #important #page #history


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