With Juve out of Europe, 8th place is worth the Conference: the joy of Galliani, an Inter player for one night, and the calendar | First page

Inter win the Coppa Italia over Fiorentina it also affects the race to qualify for the next edition of the Conference League. Indeed, with the defeat of the Viola team in the final in Rome, seventh place in the standings becomes the good one to access the third European cup, in order of importance, in 2023-24. Be careful though, because there is a variable called Juventuswhich can still change the cards on the table.

The Juve in fact it is the team that, at the moment, occupies the seventh place in the standings. However, we know that, net of any other penalties inherent in the next sporting trial on salaries and partnerships with other companies, the sword of Damocles of UEFA also hangs over the bianconeri, with a probable exclusion ex officio from European competitions for next season for violation of agreements on financial fair play.

In that case, and always considering Juve during the week, here it would be the eighth place in the standings at that point to determine the name of the Italian team registered for the next Conference League. And this is the reason why yesterday the CEO of Monza, Adriano Galliani, before the Italian Cup final, he had hinted that he supported Inter…

So let’s see, calendar and standings in hand, what are the teams fighting for eighth placeand what commitments they will have between now and the end of A leagueon the remaining two days.


2023-05-25 09:00:00
#Juve #Europe #8th #place #worth #Conference #joy #Galliani #Inter #player #night #calendar #page


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