World Nursing Day is celebrated this Friday.

This Friday, May 12, International Nursing Day is celebrated. In this way, a well-deserved tribute is paid to male and female nurses, who carry out this profession worldwide, benefiting all humanity. Also, with this celebration a well-deserved tribute is paid to Florence Nightingale, born on May 12 and is considered the founder of contemporary nursing.

Nursing, what is it?

It is a profession from which care is practiced for patients who need medical attention, when presenting different types of diseases and / or health disorders, while requiring special care.

Being a nursing professional is not for anyone, but for truly committed women and men, lovers of work, industrious, endowed with great human qualities, mainly with great love for their neighbor, which requires certain human and philanthropic characteristics that allow them to perform an autonomous and collaborative quality service.

That care and attention that they provide today has been present since the beginning of humanity. In Prehistory, intended to satisfy the most basic needs and with the sole objective of survival. The first references to female caregivers affirm that, through massages, medicinal plants, among other methods, they treated illnesses.

Born with love and trained in nursing

“Therapeutic communication is the process by which the nursing professional establishes a relationship with the patient. To achieve effective communication, it is important to take into account characteristics such as age, sex, educational level, socioeconomic level, and religion Knowing them, we can define how to approach him, what terms to use to achieve adequate communication where abilities and skills such as smiling, interpreting the patient’s gestures, satisfying their needs, creating a willingness to dialogue, being assertive, generating trust, giving security and provide affective support, among others”. (Communication with patients)

Who do we salute today?

To our nurse/or friend/or, acquaintance/or relative, but it is a good opportunity to let them know that today we accompany them on this special day.

From this space in El Fénix, we salute the Nursing staff of our hospital and all those women and men who carry the profession in their hearts. Congratulations and thank you for all you do. Good day!

[email protected]

2023-05-12 15:24:18
#World #Nursing #Day #celebrated #Friday


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