Wrong button pressed – Sport

Music painter

It is part of the essence of the overture that it anticipates the tenor of the performance. In this respect, the shrill musical introduction to the Bundesliga game in Wolfsburg unfortunately set the tone. For TSG Hoffenheim, everything that could go wrong went wrong against VfL, and it started with the anthem. Instead of playing the Hoffenheim song as a welcome, the stadium management “unfortunately pressed the wrong button”, as it was said apologetically. The Freiburg song blared from the loudspeakers, triggering indignant whistles from the Hoffenheim supporters. The mistake was corrected, but the rhythm was gone, Hoffenheim lost 1:2 and missed the chance to break away from the bottom of the table. TSG will play Union at home next week. We strongly recommend Verdi’s Triumphal March for the overture.

Football stories: Bitter end: Noa Selimhodzic from 1. FFC Turbine Potsdam mourns the relegation of the 2010 Champions League winner.

Bitter end: Noa Selimhodzic from 1. FFC Turbine Potsdam mourns the relegation of the 2010 Champions League winner.

(Photo: Ostseephoto)

turbine failure

After 26 years of uninterrupted Bundesliga membership, after six championship titles and two Champions League victories, 1. FFC Turbine Potsdam has been relegated from the first division. This means that the last purely women’s football club from the German elite class says goodbye, whether there will be a return is uncertain. Potsdam’s crash is symbolic of the development of the league: Away from the traditional brands towards the clubs that are also strong in men’s football. Only the SGS Essen, whose men play in the district league, currently has no men’s counterpart in one of the first three leagues. Clubs like FCR Duisburg and 1. FFC Frankfurt became MSV Duisburg and Eintracht Frankfurt, while SC Sand was relegated. Incidentally, RB Leipzig will play for Potsdam in the Bundesliga next season.

favorite fall

Stories from football: Inspired: In front of 17,800 spectators, Eintracht Frankfurt beat the favorites from VfL Wolfsburg.Stories from football: Inspired: In front of 17,800 spectators, Eintracht Frankfurt beat the favorites from VfL Wolfsburg.

Inspired: In front of 17,800 spectators, Eintracht Frankfurt beat the favorites from VfL Wolfsburg.

(Photo: Norina Toenges/Imago)

It wasn’t enough for a new attendance record this time, although reporting a new record when visiting the stadium has almost become a habit in this women’s Bundesliga season. After the successful European Championship, they first provided Frankfurt (23,200 spectators), then Cologne countered with 38,365. On Sunday, Frankfurt wanted to regain the superlative, but 17,800 people in the large arena in the city forest were not enough. On the other hand, everyone who appeared saw the presumed preliminary decision in the Bundesliga: Because of Eintracht’s surprisingly clear 4-0 win against the Champions League finalists Wolfsburg, FC Bayern are now leading the league with four points two games before the end of the season. A win – for example against the bottom of the table Potsdam – is enough for the title.

Stories from Soccer: An icon of Mexican soccer: Antonio Carbajal, five-time World Cup participant.Stories from Soccer: An icon of Mexican soccer: Antonio Carbajal, five-time World Cup participant.

An icon of Mexican football: Antonio Carbajal, five-time World Cup participant.

(Photo: Juvagol/Imago)

Trauer um Tota

Mexico’s football mourns the death of a legend: Former goalkeeper Antonio Carbajal has died at the age of 93. The longtime international, nicknamed “Tota”, became the first player to take part in five World Cups. “He got sick last week, was in the hospital and spent the weekend back home,” said Antonio Moreno, director of the Mexico International Soccer Hall of Fame. Moreno described Carbajal as an “icon of Mexican and world football”, he was the last living participant of the 1950 World Cup in Brazil until his death. He was also on the field in 1954, 1958, 1962 and 1966. His World Cup record lasted 32 years until Lothar Matthäus also took part in five World Cups in 1998. Meanwhile, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have also reached this mark.


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