21-Year-Old Student Raped in Broad Daylight: Attacker Apprehended in Ozzano

by Andreina Baccaro

Ozzano, assault on a 21-year-old at seven in the evening. The 24-year-old caught thanks to the description of the victim

Raped in broad daylight while jogging. It is the nightmare experienced by a 21-year-old student who on Saturday 10 June was attacked in Ozzano dell’Emilia, dragged to a secluded place and forced to suffer violence by a man later identified by the police as a 24-year-old Moroccan. The alleged rapist was arrested yesterday at noon while he was in via Emilia, not far from the place where two weeks ago you forced the young woman to experience the horror. The carabinieri of the Ozzano station tracked him down and took him to prison, at the disposal of the investigating judge of Bologna who signed the order for precautionary custody in prison requested by the prosecutor on the basis of the social dangerousness of the 24-year-old.

The attacker was riding a bike and wearing a baseball cap

That day, the 21-year-old had been taken by surprise and attacked while jogging, not far from the railway and the industrial area of ​​Ozzano. Recovering from the shock, she told the carabinieri that a boy on a bicycle, of medium height and wearing a baseball cap, had grabbed her by the hair as she was running down the street, had dragged her by force to a secluded place, and, plugging her the hand with a mouth, had forced her to suffer violence in the tall grass of a meadow. After her, she had gone off on the bike without saying anything and as if nothing had happened. Despite the time, no one was passing on the road at that moment or noticed anything.
The call for help from the girl had arrived at the Carabinieri operations center.

The man already has precedents but for other crimes

When the military arrived at the scene, they found her sitting on the ground, terrified and in tears. Rescued by 118, the victim was transported to the emergency room of the Maggiore hospital and subjected to the protocol required for rape victims. Her account and the details she remembered about her tormentor were instrumental in identifying him. The carabinieri then sifted through the surveillance cameras installed in the area, from which they managed to trace her identity and reconstruct the path she had taken that day. The man was already known to the police in the area and has precedents but not for sexual assault. The Moroccan resides in Ozzano and is legal on the national territory, he was traced near a bar on the Via Emilia, in the company of a 58-year-old compatriot. Yesterday at noon he was found by the carabinieri and taken to prison, accused of sexual assault.

The two previous episodes in Bologna

In January in the Mazzini area of ​​Bologna, another 20-year-old student was attacked as she crossed the railway underpass in via Guazzaloca. The young woman was alone when she was approached by a boy who had harassed her by pointing a knife at her. But the 20-year-old had started screaming and another woman had heard her cries for help, putting the attacker on the run. In September, however, a 15-year-old minor was surrounded by a group of boys, both minors and adults, while she was at the Festa dell’Unità in the North park with a friend. She was forced to have intercourse with one of them and filmed by the others, she returned home she had confided everything to her parents who had accompanied her to the barracks to file a complaint. The young people were identified and reported for gang sexual assault. Another young girl had been abused in the Margherita Gardens.

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June 24, 2023


2023-06-24 05:27:56
#Bologna #student #raped #jogging #Ozzano #aggressor #framed #cameras


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