Abdallah Sima: From Slavia Prague Hero to Hated Figure at Glasgow Rangers

It was not so long ago that Slavia Prague fans couldn’t praise him. Abdallah Sima has now fallen out of favor with many of them. And to put it politely. He transferred to the hated Glasgow Rangers.

Slavist football player Abdallah Sima celebrates one of two goals in the Sparta derby. Slavia won 3:0. | Photo: ČTK/Michal Kamaryt

The hatred of Slavists towards the club from the Scottish capital has been going on for over two years. The round of 16 rematch of the Europa League at that time ended not only with Slavia’s 2-0 victory and promotion, but also with a big scandal. About the indiscriminate tackle on goalkeeper Kolářthe alleged racist remarks of the defender Kúdela or the incident in the bowels of the stadium, much has been written.

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He was not missing in the lineup of both matches then Abdullah Sim. The Senegalese comet literally flew into the Slavic sky a few months before, when coach Trpišovský reached for him out of necessity in the B team, and the native of Dakar rewarded him with eleven goals in thirteen league matches from November to February. He added four more on top just in the aforementioned European League.

His price skyrocketed to interesting heights, and even though his form later began to stagnate somewhat, he earned a move to England’s Brighton. He then got to France via Stoke, where he was spotted by Rangers representatives in Angers. And they introduced him as a new reinforcement.

Some condemn him, others understand

That morning there was a literal shower of criticism and hatred. Both Rangers’ official profiles on social networks and Slavist fan sites are full of posts that probably wouldn’t be read very well by anyone.

“Delete Slavia from Instagram!”, “You’re a traitor!”, “Despite what he did for Slavia, I can’t consider him anything but a rat,” these are just some of the messages sent to the offensive footballer by Slavist fans . And unfortunately it must be added that only the publishable ones.

But there are also those who have an understanding for Sima. “What is he supposed to do? He didn’t really hit the ball in England and now he has a job where he might play. I’m not surprised at him,” writes vilismira_17 conciliatoryly.

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The footballer himself is looking forward to the Scottish engagement. “I am very excited to join the Rangers family,” he wrote on his Instagram.

We can only imagine how the meeting between the previously praised footballer and the fans would look like if Rangers visited Eden again in the European Cup.


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