Adriano Potalivo tournament at the start of the second edition

MONTENERO DI BISACCIA. A day dedicated to sport to commemorate those who have given so much to local football. The second “Adriano Potalivo” tournament is scheduled for Saturday 3 June, named after the former manager of the local team at the time of the glorious Us Calcio Montenero, who died in 2015.
The event will occupy the De Santis stadium for the whole day, starting in the morning with the various matches between the soccer school kids. The participation of a delegation from Pescara is also expected, a team with which a collaboration has been underway for some years.
At the end, perhaps the most awaited match, with more or less elderly players, more or less in good condition, but certainly sharing the most important requirement of the day: having been friends with Adriano Potalivo. At the end of the matches, the lottery prizes will be drawn and, for those who want to entertain themselves, arrosticini and beer in the open space next to the grandstand, recently named after Adriano Potalivo himself.

2023-06-01 15:12:41
#Adriano #Potalivo #tournament #start #edition


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