Anderlecht make a first offer for Patris (OHL)

Anderlecht are looking for a right-back given the probable departure of Amir Murillo. The Dutchman Milan van Ewijk (Heerenveen) has been cited, but he is very expensive. Another priority is Louis Patris (22), OHL’s king of assists with 8 units in one season. Anderlecht made a first offer, refused by OHL.

The Louvanists are waiting for Sporting to make a second proposal. His name was also mentioned at Club Brugge, but there was no contact with the club. Patris, a very fast player who likes to project himself forward, was trained by Standard and especially OHL. He is in the selection of Jacky Mathijssen for Euro Espoirs.

Burnley offer 15 million for Verbruggen, Anderlecht want 20

2023-06-11 15:32:00
#Anderlecht #offer #Patris #OHL


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