Benefits and properties of the summer fruit

Summer brings sun, heat and many juicy, good and healthy fruits. As the peachesthe typical fruit of the period from May to September, with all its beneficial properties.

Miraculous peaches: 6 beneficial properties of the summer fruit

Eating fruit and vegetables in season is always an excellent choice, because you eat fresh produce, vary your diet and provide your body with all the nutrients it needs. With peaches even more, given their beneficial properties for health in general and for those who play sports.

High in potassium and calcium

Thanks to the calcium and potassium content, peaches are mineralizing with important refreshing and detoxifying properties, as well as protectors of our nervous and cardiac systems.

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Wellness for the eyes

According to some studies, peaches, with their high beta-carotene content (about 250 micrograms per fruit), which is the precursor of vitamin A, promote blood circulation, with beneficial effects, for example, on eye health.

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pure vitamin

Unlike other fruits that are consumed during the summer (such as exotic fruits, which give energy, strawberries or melons and watermelons), peaches have vitamin C in abundance, which defends us against numerous infections. And then it also has vitamins A, E, K and six B vitamins.

An ideal snack

Peach is a fruit very rich in fiber and, by promoting that sense of satiety typical of fibrous fruit, it is ideal as a snack between meals.

> Read also: 7 ways to be able to eat more fiber

Regulate the intestines

Peaches are a perfect fruit for those suffering from constipation: not only do they promote a slight diuretic action, but also the regularity of intestinal functions by stimulating the production of gastric juices.

> Read also: Which is better watermelon or melon?

Skin friend

Peach is a rich source of antioxidants that counteract free radicals responsible for skin aging.
Markus Spiske Pexels’s photo

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2023-06-20 17:45:53
#Benefits #properties #summer #fruit


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