Carmaux. 30 candles for Carmausin volleyball

The Carmaux volleyball club has existed for thirty years.

If it is a little-known sport and little publicized among team sports, volleyball has in particular benefited for some time from the aura of the French team at the Olympic Games.

The image of the beach sport par excellence has ended up evolving, and this is how a group of friends at the origin of the formation of the club developed their practice in the Carmausin.

Always involved in UFOLEP, the club has been able to adapt to the demands of licensees by playing during the week or at the weekend.

He has been able to attach many members and volunteers who have been able to stay the course despite difficult years such as those marked by the Covid.

Also, the successful return this year of a volleyball school has reinforced this recovery and this attachment to volleyball in Carmaux.

The results are there, from novices these young people are now comfortable with a ball, some are even in departmental selection, a sign of their progress.

They have brought great satisfaction to their coaches during weekend tournaments.

The adults are not left out and two teams are fighting in the VLACA championship this week, the confirmed team is even in the cup final.

We can then say that volleyball in Carmaux still has a bright future ahead of it, the club will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary with a Beach volleyball outing to the sea.

2023-06-04 03:15:15
#Carmaux #candles #Carmausin #volleyball


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