Foyer Georges Bernanos Celebrates Success at European Kata Championships with Two Duos on the Podium

Par Vanessa Leroy
Published on June 24, 23 at 9:54 See my news Follow 76news Foyer Georges Bernanos placed two duos on the podiums of the European Kata 2023 championships in Slovenia. (©DR)

Eight French medals including two from Le Havre were collected from European Kata Championships which took place a few days ago in Slovenia. “What a day and pride for the club, our two duos finish on the podium of these European championships, the job is clearly done! “, enthuses the Foyer Georges-Bernanos – Judo Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) which the two medal-winning duos are residents of.

European champion sisters

The sisters Eleobane Le Coadou Free Mp3 Download are European champions in Ju no Kata. And this for the second year in a row.

“At 264 points, tied with the Italians who have the same number of points, they still finish ahead because there are fewer big mistakes. The wait for the results of the duos that followed the girls was long, but what satisfaction for everyone when we saw that they finished first in this final phase,” says their brother Loevan.

World Championships in Abu Dhabi in October

He too climbed onto the podium. For their first European championship, in the company of Bixente Lategui, the duo finishing on the third step.

Despite “a little disappointment coming out of the tatami, because yesterday’s kata was better, but a disappointment that quickly turned into joy. A podium in the European Championship, many would have liked to do that, especially given the strong competition this year, so we can’t afford not to be happy. A great pride to climb on this European podium! “, he relativizes.

Good news too: by finishing first, Eleobane and Alwena Le Coadou are selected to represent France at the 2023 world championships in Abu Dhabicapital of the United Arab Emirates in October.

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2023-06-24 08:02:30
#Judo #Havre #podiums #European #Championships


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